[POST:MORTEM] Under The False Sky [IM]Pulse

Welcome to this (hopefully little) postmortem to our O2A2 VN Jam 2024 entry Under The False Sky | [IM]Pulse! ♥️

I want to tell you a little bit more about the development process as well as the future of Under The False Sky & about what's the next project we'll be working on.

I hope this won't too confusing to read, since I rarely write postmortems and have to scramble all my few braincells together to write something cohesive at the moment. 😭

Anyways! I hope you'll enjoy this regardless~

I already knew - even before O2A2 started - that I wanted to make another visual novel to the 'Under The False Sky series', I just didn't know at first what I wanted it to be about. Plus I also wanted to make a chatsim at least once.

So I put two and two together and as a result we've got [IM]Pulse~!

I was really lucky that my friends Thoe (who made the character & sprite art) & Chaz (who composed the soundtrack & did all the audio engineering) as well as Aaron (Felix's voice actor) immediately agreed to joining me in this endeavour. Having those three and so many of my other friends help out with the QA & editing/proofreading made the development to such a smooth process.

There were no hiccups, no stress - nothing. 

Just me, the GUI and the code. (Actually I finished the script on the first day - BUT THEN it was just me, the GUI and the code!) 
This was also the first time when the general game was finished days before the end of the deadline - I just took my sweet time in QA and to set everything else up.
It was such a fun and nice, short journey and when the day of the release hit I was so happy it was over and at how beautifully everything had come together.

But I was also scared. Now that it was released, other people would be playing it too...
Would they like it...?

As you might have guessed, this won't be the end of Under The False Sky. Everything you've seen so far; Blood:Covered Snow, [Re]:Idealize, [IM]Pulse... they are all just side stories to the actual main story. You won't have seen the last of Felix, his unit nor of Micah, Adah and everyone else (who's still alive), as they are all integral parts to the main story. ♥️

I also want to do more entries in a similar style to [IM]Pulse - so in a mobile / phone aesthetic & layout. 👀

BUT - yes, there is a "but" - I won't be making games within the Under The False Sky universe 'regularly', but rather solely as jam entries (whenever I do my own jam projects). Not gonna lie, it has become a tradition by now to make them as jam entries. Blood:Covered Snow was made for Winter VN Jam 2023 and [Re]:Idealize for NaNoRenO 2024.

[Tbh... re-reading the last paragraph - please don't trust me in what I'm saying. In the end they are all just 'maybes'. I will probably work on an UTFS story in between jams too. 🥲]

But yes - long story short - this won't be the end!!

Aside from Under The False Sky, I'm currently working on another big project! The people who follow me on Twitter/X must surely know what I'm talking about!

I'm talking about Project:Death Game (name tba) of course~! A game idea I came up with back in June and was able to quickly gather a team of amazing (and deranged) people for. ♥️

People who are fans of games like Danganronpa & The Zero Escape / Nonary Game series should definitely keep an eye out!

We are currently working hard on it and are hopeful to release some more content & information about the project soon.

Before I leave you after rambling you to death like this, I want to say 'Thank you!'.

Thank you guys so much for all the positive reception [IM]Pulse has gotten so far. Thank you for taking a look at it,  downloading it,  playing it, rating it. ♥️

I seriously don't know how to put the overwhelmingly happy emotions I have been feeling these past days when looking at how many people have seen & played our entry - at the kind words you guys have left for us.

Thank you.

From the bottom of my heart,
thank you.


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